Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pre Travel Post

It is June 8th and I am about to board the plane to  South Africa. Me and my oldest sister Erica will be taking this trip. It's suppose to take about 27 hours to get there! We leave at 10pm and arrive at 7am. Our air fair is about $1957. Leaving us with $3,043 which is 23,073.46 ZAR the South Africa currency, Rand. our passports just came a few days before my graduation. We are going to stay in Johannesburg.  It's the wealthiest part of South Africa. We plan on visiting the surrounding towns. I am so excited to meet all the people.

I have spoken with many people that have visited Africa and they have all told me that I should go. They all talk about how is such an amazing experience. The say that once they touch down in Africa it feels like "home". That's the part we're both excited for. To return to the Motherland and feel welcomed. It kind of reminds me when Jersey Shore went to Italy. I have taken care of all the vaccinations that we needed. I really hope to get a feel of Africa and take a part of it with me.

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