Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Blog #4

It is June 30, 2012. The trip is almost done. Gold Reef City was fun. Although all the rides I just couldnt get on. Just not brave enough. I'm glad we went and Erica had a great time. O one of the rides someone behind us threw up. Totally disgusting but it made an awesome picture. I'm gonna have tosay that Six Flags is still my favorite.

Even though I am not 21 yet we went to the World of Beer. Some very interesting people we met there. No one in my family even drinks beer but this place was actually cool. There's so many different beers around the world its ridiculous. They were serving beer but only the kind produced by South Africa. I of course declined and so did Erica even though she's 27.

Within the next like two weeks, I want to try some foods that I've never had before. Woman vs. Food is what I'm calling it. I dont have the strongest stomach but we'll see how this turns out.

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