Friday, February 17, 2012

Blog #5

It is July 15, 2012. We are about to board the plane back to America. In the past couple weeks I did go on my quest of strange foods. I had Borewors which is sheep, pig, and cattle intestines stuffed with meat and offcuts, spiced with herbs and cooked like barbeque. It wasn't that bad if you tried not to think about it. Then I tried Biltong and thats animals ranging from cattle to wild animal, springbok, eland or even elephant, get cut up into strips and hung out to dry, then you eat it. That was the worst one I tried. It was really tough and hard to chew. Just like jerky. Finally I had an Ostrich Egg Omelet. Well i had a half of one. The eggs are 3 pounds and are meant to be shared but Erica didn't want anything todo with my food quest.

Right before we left we went to a orphanage. We could bring stuff to give to the orphanage like toiletries so we went to a local store and picked up some stuff to donate. They children there were so beautiful and happy. It was amazing tosee kids with so little, be so happy.  That was honestly the best part of the trip. Helping those kids was more fullfilling than anything in this world. I'm so glad that we dicided to go. I am going to miss South Africa a whole lot.
BiltongOstich Egg Omelet

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